Many businesses are having a tough year, especially if they are related to home sales, real estate sales, interior design and furniture. We’re hearing that some are seasoned companies off widely in terms of year over year sales. Some are struggling with payroll. Some aren’t sure if they can make it.
If you’re not feeling as much pain, now is the time to expand your market share while others are pulling back. Here’s how:
- RICH GET RICHER: It’s true; better-positioned businesses are better able to weather the storm.
- NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT: When many of your competitors are pulling back on their SEO Marketing and pay-per-click advertising, you need to increase yours.
- LEAD TIME IS CRUCIAL: Marketing is not black and white. It cannot be turned on and off at the flip of a switch. If it could, everyone would do it. It can’t, so not everyone does it. You should.
- KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR TRENDS: Google Analytics is the perfect place to do this. Even if the cash register seems stagnant, see what the trends are forecasting. Patience is key here.
- IS ORGANIC IMPROVING? Another key factor along with Google Business Profile. If improving, keep optimizing more.
- ARE YOU ADVERTISING? Now is the time to add Google Ads (AdWords) if you have not. Even just a couple thousand a month right now can pay for itself and improve your share.
- SOCIAL POSTING IS IMPORTANT: Granted, some businesses don’t have tons of followers like the Gap or Macy’s, but it all adds up, and social can’t be overlooked.
Lean times can be profitable times for those businesses with a cushion who want to leap. Once your share increases, it’s difficult for competitors to take it away, and you can enjoy it for years.
Onward and upward!
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