Video Marketing is the use of videos to promote or market your business.  This form of marketing is exploding and should be made a part of your marketing mix.  Here’s why:

  1. 31% of marketers add Video to improve SEO, according to The Hubpost Ultimate Guide to Video Marketing, 9/15/22.  
  2. While 60% of marketers say their customer acquisition cost has gone up, 83% of them say video helps them generate leads, the Hubspot report goes on to say.
  3. Connecting with your prospects has never been more important, and videos make it easy and engaging to connect.
  4. In our own experience, our video studio has been in great demand since we built it over 5 years ago to produce “explainer videos” and “how-to” videos.  Our clients love the videos and see response from prospects.
  5. Give your website a high-quality rating with strategic use of videos of your moving company website.
  6. Some ideas:  Determining What To Look For When Buying _______.  10 Things You Know Before Hiring A ____________?
  7. Our “How-To” series now includes:  How To Install ______.  How To Select The Best _______.  How To Pack Clothing.  How To Read A _________.  Prospects appreciate the advice, and it positions you as a leader with a much better chance of getting a sale.

If you’ve had success with videos, please let us know.  We can pass along your ideas to our newsletter subscribers too.

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