Mobile-First Indexing

Mobile-First Indexing

As was announced last year, Google will now only base your site’s ranking on its Search Pages by your mobile site’s authority. As some sites with the same content do often have different ranking factors, such as site speed, this is very important.



  1. WHAT: The mobile version of your website, how it looks on a mobile phone, will be what Google will index going forward.  Since most business sites we manage are already over 50% being accessed by a mobile device, this will not affect as many users initially, but it will affect what page your site is shown on for a Google search.
  2. WHEN: Now. Implementing in March 2021.
  3. WHERE: The mobile version of your website. What you see on your smartphone. Make sure you have a mobile-friendly site, AS WELL AS a site that indexes well. These are TWO DIFFERENT measurements.
  4. HOW: Ask your webmaster or SEO consultant to review your site immediately, if they haven’t already done so, to see how it measures up with Google. The tool is There are many factors to consider, but this will get them started.


OUR RECOMMENDATION: In 2019, 63% of all searches on Google were from mobile devices worldwide. Since Google sees this as the way the public will be searching more and more going forward, it is incumbent on you to make sure your business/store is well represented by your mobile site. Stop looking at it just on your desktop/laptop, check it out frequently on your cell phone. That is where more and more of your customers are and will be, seeing it.

Onward and upward!

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