I think we’re all ready for some good news, and it looks like it’s on its way! Since many of your businesses depend on home sales, and home sales move with mortgage rates, a reduction in the rates is good news. And that looks like what’s on its way. Wall St. sees it as a 98% probability that the Fed Fund rate will be reduced by at least a ¼ point on September 24th. It’s time to prepare:

  • IS YOUR WEBSITE OPTIMIZED? This is extremely important as most new customers will decide if they want to do business with you based on your website.
  • DOES IT SHOW UP ON GOOGLE? Since Google is used for over 90% of all US searches, your site needs to be visible to potential customers there.
  • DOES YOUR WEBSITE LOAD FAST? It’s critical to a higher ranking, but it’s critical to be found too. People are impatient. Slow-loading sites lose their owner’s business. Learn here.
  • WHAT IS YOUR GOOGLE REVIEWS SCORE? This is very important. If it’s low, start now to get it higher, and if you lack recent reviews, by all means, ask your customers to leave a review.
  • IS YOUR SITE INFORMATIONAL? This is important to Google. Like it or not, you are required to follow their Guidelines in writing your site’s content if you want to rank on or near Page One. They “own” the search business, and you are looking to them to display your website. You must follow their instructions.
  • CUSTOMER FIRST: Remember you are writing the website to attract customers. Write from their perspective…not yours.

We hope this helps, and please remember that Google is now 100% machine-driven. There are no humans reviewing your website, so make sure you follow our recommendations above and realize that it may take several months for their machines to fully review your site. This means the sooner you act on the above, the more successful you will be. 

We’ve been at this for nearly 20 years. Optimizing websites for more sales leads is what we do. Why not take advantage of our priceless extra of experience? 


Onward & Upward!